Parenting is the hardest jobs most of us will ever have! We all want to do everything we can to help our children grow up to be happy, successful, curious, compassionate people who live fulfilling lives. Many of us want to do it better (or at least differently) than our parents did. But how do we do it?
A Better Way Parenting is here to help you
- Put more quality in your quality time
- Deepen your relationship with your child
- Escape the too harsh/too lenient trap
- Stop sounding like your parents
- Have fewer battles
- Resolve conflicts without yelling, threatening, punishing, or shaming
- Be less reactive and more connected
- Have more fun with your kids
Parents today have higher expectations than ever for ourselves, but less time and less support than our parents did. We don’t have time to read a bunch of parenting books, much less try to sort out the confusing and often contradictory messages.
I can help!
As a former middle school and high school teacher, a former nanny, and a current mom, I’ve worked with all kinds of kids (and their parents). Through the years, I’ve learned a ton of techniques that actually work to solve common parenting problems such as
- My kid just won’t listen
- We can’t leave the playground without a major meltdown
- She never puts her toys away
- My toddler won’t eat anything but bread and butter unless I promise desert
- I worry about how much time kids spend on devices. How do I set appropriate limits?
- I’m tired of constantly playing referee between my kids
- The bedtime battles wear me out. By the time I finally get them to bed, I have no energy left for anything else
- I just wish my teen would talk to me.
I’d love to share these strategies with you! Even better, I can teach you how to use effective communication and creative problem solving to deal with almost any challenge your family faces!
I love hearing from other parents! Drop me an email. I read every one!